Project Description
A Very Scillian Justice
Al Jazeera – Xray-Spex films – Director Paul Sapin – Sony FS7 & C300 – Location Palermo Sicily
UK and Italy
Narrated by – Dame Helen Mirren
Runtime – 50 minutes
English Language and Italian Language with English Subtitles.
Xray Films were given exceptional access to Sicilian Judge Antonino Di Matteo for ‘A Very Sicilian Justice’, narrated by Helen Mirren. Di Matteo is the chief prosecutor in Italy’s ‘Trial of the Century’. Those accused of colluding in the ‘season of terror’ that rocked Italy from 1991 to 94.
Di Matteo is now the most threatened and protected man in Italy. Mafia boss Totò Riina has called for his ‘spectacular’ assassination. A bomb plot to kill the Judge has been uncovered and the search for the conspirators and their explosives hidden in Palermo is underway.
The Judge’s plight has inspired supporters to take to the streets in solidarity, but an appeal to those in authority to support him has been met with silence.
In this clip i have cut together 3 exerts from the film to make a shorter narrative.